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Momondo A/S is a public limited company under Danish law with headquarters in Copenhagen
Mailing address
Farvergade 10, 1 DK-1463 Copenhagen K Denmark
+45 33378080
Momondo A/S is registered in the Danish commercial register under CVR no. 20181397.
VAT identification number: DK 20181397.
Momondo A/S Farvergade 10, 1 DK-1463 Copenhagen K Danmark
Company registration Denmark, CVR 20181397
We are not a travel agency, and we don’t sell tickets. If you have questions concerning a booking, please contact the travel agency or airline company
Information pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2022/2065 (DSA)
Our single point of contact pursuant to article 11 DSA is the contact form here. Communications can be sent in English or Danish.
Our legal representative pursuant to article 13 DSA is Momondo A/S, Farvergade 10, DK-1463 Copenhagen K, Denmark, CVR DK 20181397,
In accordance with our obligations under the EU’s Digital Services Act, we estimate that the average monthly recipients* of our service (including KAYAK, momondo, HotelsCombined, SWOODOO, checkfelix, Cheapflights, roomsearch) in the European Union from 2023-08-01 up to and including 2024-01-31, is well under 45 million.
This is only an estimate and is based on the data available to us at this time, and the limited guidance in the Digital Services Act (“DSA”). This estimate is required to be published under the DSA and should not be used for any other purposes. The methodologies used to estimate average monthly recipients as defined in the DSA require significant judgment and design inputs, are subject to data and other limitations, and inherently are subject to statistical variances and uncertainties. This estimate may be revised upwards or downwards as we refine our approach and in response to the publication of methodology by the European Commission.
Please refer to Booking Holdings Inc. Investor Relations for user metrics we consider relevant to our business.
* “recipient of service” is defined under the DSA to mean “any natural or legal person who uses an intermediary service, in particular for the purposes of seeking information and making it accessible”. This requires counting users to whom information was displayed by our service, even if that user did not make a transaction.
For information regarding ranking, recommender systems, reporting illegal content and our content moderation policy, see the How we work page.
Information pursuant to Art. 11 of Regulation (EU) 2019/1150
We can provide following information on the functioning and effectiveness of our internal complaint-handling system under Regulation (EU) 2019/1150:
Total number of complaints lodged: 0
Main type of complaints: N/A
Average time to process and resolve complaints: N/A
Outcome of complaints on an aggregated basis: N/A
Last Updated: January 2024.
A little bit about momondo
How momondo works and why it's free for you
Get the best deals
We search and compare real-time prices on flights, hotels and cars so you can find the cheapest, quickest and best travel deals
100% price transparency
The prices you see are never affected by your searches, no matter how many you make. We do not use cookies to adjust or increase prices.
Trusted and free
We’re completely free to use – no hidden charges or fees – and we’re endorsed by Frommer’s, CNN and the New York Times